Olifantsrus Campsite


S 18° 51’ 11.591’’ E 16° 19’ 29.521’’

Accommodation Info

Located in the western part of the Etosha National Park between the Okaukuejo and Dolomite Resorts, Olifantsrus Campsite is a camping-only facility.


BBQ facilities

Room Features




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Etosha National Park Accommodation

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Tucked into the forest along the dry riverbed is an intimate and relaxed bush camp with a taste of yesteryear safari-style.” AOBA is a word from the San (Bushman) languages which means “when the su...
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N$2 270.00
Taleni Etosha Room 05
The Etosha Village Campsite is nestled in the spectacular green and gold Mopane forests surrounding Etosha National Park and caters to both Groups as well as individual travelers. The 4 Individual ...
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At Eagle Tented Lodge you stay closer to nature in authentic safari tents without compromising on any of the comfort or luxury of a hotel room. This unique lodge offers you an unforgettable stay cl...
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Onguma Bush Camp is ideal for families with children and those looking for a traditional-style safari lodge.  You don’t even have to leave the camp as you can enjoy watching nature at play ar...
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Anderssons at Ongava provides an interactive hub for guests to be a part of conservation science, where cutting edge technology meets hands on, field-based research. Guests at Anderssons at Ongava ...
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Honeymoon Suite Woodfired Hot Tub
Onguma The Fort is one of a kind, and offers something new to discover around every corner. Built in exactly the right spot, if offers guests one of the best sunset views in the whole of Namibia!  ...
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N$1 900.00


S 18° 51’ 11.591’’ E 16° 19’ 29.521’’

Accommodation Info

Der Campingplatz Olifantsrus liegt im westlichen Teil des Etosha-Nationalparks zwischen den Resort Okaukuejo und Dolomite und ist eine reine Campinganlage.



Room Features




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