Mushara Outpost

N$13 000.00

18.8105° S, 17.1367° E

Accommodation Info

Mushara Outpost is another addition to the Mushara Collection of exquisite accommodation establishments, situated just 10 km from the Von Lindequist Gate of world-famous Etosha National Park. Mushara Outpost is all about old-fashioned hospitality with warm, friendly and personalized service on the doorstep to the wonders of Etosha National Park.


Bar / Lounge
Laundry Service

Room Features

Hair Dryer
Mosquito Net
Mini Bar


Game Drives into Etosha National Park:  morning and afternoon.


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Etosha National Park Accommodation

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Olifantsrus Campsite 1
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Onguma Tented Camp 2
A beguiling mixture of sophistication and relaxation, reminiscent of that ‘Out of Africa’ under canvas romance, Onguma Tented Camp is the ultimate in safari chic. Built i around an acti...
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Little Ongava 6
Designed for privacy, luxury and an intimacy with the land, Little Ongava is arguably Namibia’s most luxurious accommodation with pristine views across the Ongava plains. Little Ongava is perched o...
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Honeymoon Suite Woodfired Hot Tub
Onguma The Fort is one of a kind, and offers something new to discover around every corner. Built in exactly the right spot, if offers guests one of the best sunset views in the whole of Namibia!  ...
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Mushara Outpost

N$13 000.00

18.8105° S, 17.1367° E

Accommodation Info

Der Mushara Outpost ist eine weitere Ergänzung der Mushara-Kollektion exquisiter Unterkünfte und liegt nur 10 km vom Von Lindequist-Tor des weltberühmten Etosha-Nationalparks entfernt. Im Mushara Outpost dreht sich alles um altmodische Gastfreundschaft mit herzlichem, freundlichem und persönlichem Service direkt vor der Eingangspforte des Etosha-Nationalparks.



Room Features



Pirschfahrten in den Etoscha Nationalpark


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