Karivo Lodge

N$1 600.00

-22.17744565883874, 17.562178155220252

Accommodation Info

We are situated only 45 km from the international Airport of Namibia. The unique architecture and location of Karivo Lodge is guaranteed to give you an extraordinary experience and a long lasting memory of Namibia. Hanjo Lühl your host and his father Ivo have lived in Namibia’s savannah landscapes most of their life and will gladly answer any questions you have about the country, its inhabitants and history. Five generations of this family have made the African bush their home, which means you are in good hands
We have 14 spacious panorama suites available, all with their own balcony overlooking Karivos spectacular Savannah landscape.
Elements of rough natural stone from the area and thatched grass roof were used to integrate the rooms into nature and make the lodge as unobtrusive to the landscape as possible. All rooms are comfortably furnished and have a minibar and coffee station available.


Sun Terrace
Conference facillity

Room Features

Coffee / Tea Station
Private Balcony


Hiking Tours

Horseback riding

Bird watching

Nature Drives


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Karivo Lodge

N$1 600.00

-22.17744565883874, 17.562178155220252

Accommodation Info

Wir sind nur 45 km vom internationalen Flughafen Namibias entfernt. Die einzigartige Architektur und Lage der Karivo Lodge garantiert Ihnen ein außergewöhnliches Erlebnis und eine bleibende Erinnerung an Namibia. Hanjo Lühl, Ihr Gastgeber, und sein Vater Ivo haben die meiste Zeit ihres Lebens in Namibias Savannenlandschaft gelebt und beantworten gerne alle Fragen, die Sie über das Land, seine Bewohner und seine Geschichte haben. Fünf Generationen dieser Familie haben den afrikanischen Busch zu ihrer Heimat gemacht, was bedeutet, dass Sie in guten Händen sind.



Room Features

Private Badezimmer







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