Insider’s Guide to Car Rental Conditions in Namibia

Have a great journey and make the most of your time there!

Guide Line of the General Terms and Conditions – Car Rental in Namibia

  1. Rental Rates are calculated per day (24 hours) from the time of rental start till rental end.
  2. Drivers must produce a valid driver’s license at the time of rental start. The minimum age for drivers is usually 23. Multiple drivers per one vehicle can register at the time of booking or vehicle pick up. Usually, extra Driver registrations are subject to extra costs.
  3. Valid driver’s licenses or any driver’s license in English and EU driver’s licenses that state “Driver’s License” in the English language. National driver’s licenses in any other language than English must be accompanied by an international driver’s license or an officially certified translation in English.
  4. Extensions of the rental period must be pre-arranged and not less than 48 hours before the agreed date of rental termination as stated on the Rental Agreement.
  5. No vehicle may be driven outside the borders of Namibia without prior written approval.
  6. No vehicles are allowed to deviate from any government-provided roads, except when turning off to lodges and campsites, vehicles must stay on the road provided by the lodges or campsite owners.
  7. Due to the long distances of traveling in Namibia, most Car Rental Companies offer unlimited mileage.
  8. No vehicle shall be released without full payment.
  9. Rates exclude Fuel
  10. Exclude Cross Border Fees
  11. One Way Collection Fees (where applicable)
  12. Contract Fee is payable
  13. Camping Equipment where applicable

Insurance Categories of Excess on Vehicle Hire

Car Rental companies usually have standard third-party insurance (without excess) and are insured in case of traffic accidents for approximately 80% of the replacement value of the vehicle. The client/renter is responsible for the excess level of the remaining 20% during the agreed rental period. The exact excess level is different per vehicle class.

The chosen excess level will be blocked (authorization only) on the credit card (VISA or MasterCard) of the contract holder, which is required before the handover of the vehicle. Please note that the excess amount will be blocked only (authorization only) and not deducted from your credit card. This authorization is automatically canceled when the car is returned and there are no damages reported.

  1. Standard Excess ( High Excess Level )

    With this type of insurance, glass and tyre damages are not covered and will be the responsibility of the client. Please note that the client is always liable for the damages of the rented vehicle up to the chosen level of excess, independent of who caused the accident or who is guilty, meaning this is also applicable in case the damages or accident is caused by a third party.

  2. Reduction of Excess ( Medium Excess Level )

    In case the client prefers to rent a vehicle with a lower excess level than the standard excess, then an additional fee per day will be charged. With some Car Rental Companies, it is possible to reduce the excess to Zero. Reducing the level of excess helps to reduce the cost in case of an accident in which a third party is involved (only collision WITH a moving object). The damage to the rented vehicle as well as the third-party damage (no excess applicable) is covered.

    Important: Reduced Excess usually excludes damages to tyres, windows, and damages as a result of single-vehicle accidents, vehicle overturning/role over or damages as a result of sandstorms, or undercarriage damage.

  3. Additional Reduced Excess / Zero Excess ( Low Excess Level )

    Additionally included in the Reduced Excess are:

    Important: Reduced Excess cannot be compared with the European “All Risk” insurance, where all damages are covered independent of the cause of the guilt.

Renter’s Risks and Liabilities

Standard and/or Super, (Collision) Damage and/or Theft (Loss) Waiver do not cover:

Traffic accident

The used definition of a traffic accident is an accident with a vehicle where another vehicle is involved, where a pedestrian is involved, or where an animal is involved.

IMPORTANT: an accident without the involvement of other parties (single-vehicle accidents), like e.g. rolling the car is not covered with the Standard Excess or Reduced Excess Option. Also not when you try to avoid hitting an animal crossing the road or a burst tyre. 


This is the situation when the driver and/or the passengers are not behaving according to the law, the terms & conditions of the rental agreement, or general regulations. Examples of negligence where the insurance does not cover the damages are:


Damages that are not covered by the insurance:

Speed Limit

Within city limits and in National Parks: 60 km/hour, Gravel roads: 80 km/hour and Tarred Highways: 120 km/hour. IMPORTANT: If you exceed this speed limit all insurances and Reduced Excesses lapse and become invalid.


Theft of the vehicle is covered if the client has acted responsibly, the vehicle was locked and the client can deliver the original car keys, (Except in the case of carjacking).

Exchange vehicle

In case the Rental Company decides to send an exchange vehicle due to whatever circumstance, The Renter will have to sign a new Rental Agreement with a new Rent for the remaining period, and a new Excess, which is not reducible.

Tyre damage

In case of a puncture or a damaged tyre, the renter can try to have it fixed or can choose to purchase a new tyre. When returning the car the renter will be charged for the damaged tyre as the damaged tyre has to be replaced by a new one. Repaired tyres are not accepted. The renter will be liable for the cost of a new tyre.

Tyre and Windscreen insurance

The Client can purchase Insurance for Tyre and Windscreen Damage. This insurance covers a certain number of damaged tyres and 1x damaged windscreen. Please note that side windows and rims are not covered by this insurance.


In case of a sandstorm, stop the car immediately and try to look for temporary shelter. If this is not possible, then continue driving at a very low speed. Damages caused by a sandstorm are not covered by the insurance Sandstorms mostly occur at the coast when an eastern wind blows.

A police report is compulsory

It is demanded to have a full police report in case of damage or theft. When you can take pictures this is advisable at all times. (Failing to provide a full police report will void your insurance cover)

Towing cost

Towing costs in Namibia in case of a technical breakdown are covered by the rental company. The towing costs in case of an accident, negligence, excessive wear, and tear are not covered by the rental company and are always for the client’s account.

Claim & Fine handling fee

The administrative cost related to damage (called ‘claim handling’) is for the account of the client.

Cancellation Policy Guideline

If canceled 30-60 days before pick-up: 50% of the total rental rate

If canceled 14-29 days before pick-up: 75% of the total rental rate

If canceled 0 – 13 days before pick-up:100% of total rental rate NO SHOW – FULL RENTAL

If the vehicle is returned early, for any reason, no refund will be considered for the rental or insurance.